Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Who is Jesus? Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity. He is the Son of God who came down from heaven to become the greatest expression of the love of the Father for humanity. He took the responsibility by dying on the cross and rising from the dead for the remittance of our sins. These are only a few of the many things we could say and will hear about Jesus.

Who is Jesus? St. Augustine once said, “Our hearts are restless until they find rest in You!” Such passage from the confession of St. Augustine is still very much applicable in today’s generation where many of us have forgotten the core value of following Jesus. Many of us have been baptized in the name of Jesus yet we could not find Jesus in our hearts. Such is the case since even many of our Catholic brothers and sisters do not know who Jesus is. Let us then try to reflect on who Jesus is.

The Sacred Scripture says that Jesus is the way, the truth and the light (John 14: 6). Our reflection on Jesus would center on this passage since we already had a previous reflection on who Jesus is. Let us begin with Jesus is the way. Have you ever been in a long ride? Was the road rough or smooth? Was it enjoyable or annoying? Jesus could be compared to a way. When we travel we have in mind a destination.

Our goal is to reach our destination, which our path leads us. It is also the same with Jesus. Jesus, throughout his preaching, his miracles, his actions and his life leads us toward the Kingdom of God. Jesus wants us to reach the Kingdom of God and be with the Father and with Him. The road that Jesus is leading us is not an easy trip. It takes courage to face it. It takes patience to bear it. Yet the end is satisfactory. We should remember that the way is Jesus. His life is an example for us to imitate. He is asking you to follow Him and take the journey of his way. Would you follow Him?

Jesus is the truth. Today even after 2000 years after Jesus stepped on the world, many still do not believe that Jesus is real. Remember that during the public ministry of Jesus, the content of his preaching is in unison. Jesus proclaimed about the Kingdom of God. Moreover, He did not refer to himself directly as the Messiah, Savior or the Son of God, but he rather used the word the Son of Man which after analysis will conclude that such terminology he used refers to himself.

Jesus proclaimed Himself indirectly. He is the truth. He is the word made flesh. If Jesus is the truth then all that he has done should be emulated. Jesus dying on the cross and resurrecting from the dead is a fact that we must hold on. All of his actions then are example for us to be guided. The question then is if Jesus is the truth, are we followers of the truth? Do we imitate his life here on earth?

Jesus is the light. Does this mean that Jesus is the light that is endless compare to electricity, lamps or candles? He is in a different sense. In one of the many occasions during the public ministry of Jesus, he has turned bright like a light. It was during his transfiguration that literally Jesus was bright like a snow. However, such description of Jesus as light is not at all that there is.

What then do we mean when we say Jesus is the light? Jesus is the endless light that leads us to the Father. Jesus becomes the lamppost in our journey towards the Kingdom of God. He allow us to see where we are going and how can we reach our destination. As we walk towards God, Jesus journeys with us. He becomes the light that accompanies us. Jesus is the light manifested by showing us how we should live our life. His becoming a man is the greatest demonstration of the light we need here on earth. Do we see the light or are we blinding ourselves?

Jesus is inviting you to allow Him become the way, the truth and the light in your life. The journey that He is asking you to take is not easy. It takes courage, patience and strength to overcome the trials that lies ahead. Moreover, we should be confident to overcome whatever comes our path since Jesus himself promised us. He gave us hope, a hope that will become our courage, patience and strength. Jesus says, “I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). It is a beautiful promise that we can hope for. With Jesus, we will succeed. Would you then accept Jesus in your Life? If yes, open then your hearts for Him to enter and feel the difference!

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