Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Raison d'être of My Promise

Promises are meant to be broken. This is the typical sensitivity of some people but is it really factual? There are times in our life that we are asked to make a promise. Such promise we make speckled depending on the circumstances. Often in an amorous liaison, lovers make promise such as loving him or her alone or forever will be the man or woman in her heart, or will make him or her the happiest person or will never cheat on one’s partner.

What is a promise? A promise is an unconditional avowal of one's commitment to do something due to the covet for the exhilaration of the person making the promise and the other.

Looking back, I too made promises. One of the promises I will forever keep is that she, the person I loved, will always be in my heart. Such promise is not bounded by time. A promise has no expiration date. If the romantic relationship ends, it does not mean that such promise should also be terminated.

A promise is to be kept. Why? It is because a promise should be fulfilled no matter what comes our way. In my case, though we have let go of the romantic relationship, the promise remains. One may wonder, is it possible? It is possible. Is it not contrary? It is not contrary. Being in one’s heart is different from having a romantic relationship. Some may marvel what is the difference. It is true that most of the time when in a relationship, a promise would be made but the genuine value of the promise is not taken into consideration.

The promise of forever will be in my heart is much deeper than having a romantic relationship. This defies the inclination of holding on. When in a relationship, one tries to hold on. Imagine yourself holding a paper, you could hold on to it as long as you like. However when you have the choice you could easy let go of it. Such is a contradictory of that with the case of a promise. When one promises of forever will be in my heart, it is placing a thing in an anodyne treasure box that will ceaselessly be revered and its significance is increasing as time goes by.

The value of the promise made boosts with time. Yet, the question remains, could this be achieved? Some may have reservation. Some may argue that it only a promise, which could be broken and still others would believe that it will be shattered in a flash. What differentiates this promise from other promises is the person making the promise. Like any promises, the person who made the promise defines the path of the promise made. If I don’t have the confidence to keep it then surely time will come it will not last. However, if I believe and forever be reminded of it then I know that my heart will always guide me to fulfill such promise.

It is not only about the person but the feelings that accompany the person. If it is true love, no matter what comes in the way, no matter how far the other is, no matter what kind of relationship they will have in the future, it will be kept. Love creates that protective buffer against doubt. Love covers the promise with trust. Love inflames the joy of keeping the treasure of the promise.

She may have doubted me from the start. She may even have doubts when we were still in a romantic relationship. However, now that we are back at the starting line of a new path, I know that the promise I made with her will forever persist. The promise I made will never forget the love that she has shown me, which gave light to the darkened room. The promise I made will never overlook the sweet smile on her face that makes my heartbeats faster. The promise I made will treasure the saccharine melody of her singing. The promise I made will always be reminded that one’s in my life, there was a beautiful lady who have treasured and shared her life with me.

This is my Raison d'être, which I believe will keep my promise moving. How about you, what is the Raison d'être of your promise?

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